Friday, November 29, 2013

Giving Thanks...

I have received so many calls, texts, messages asking if we had any news yet. Everyone is so excited to find out if Embie found a cozy, warm spot to call home for the next 9-ish months. I'm so thankful for all of you who care enough to ask. It's clear there are so many more people invested in this pregnancy, than just Erin and me. More than just our families. Like I said before, there will never be a baby loved more than this one. 

And because you all care so much and already love this baby.....

We still have our blood test on Monday and will then go back for a sonogram to confirm pregnancy, but I had to share this with you all. There are two more tests with the double pregnant lines, but they appeared even lighter in pictures. I couldn't seem to get a good one where the lines showed well with the "pregnant" test...or vice versa. 

But, I think it's safe to say, there's a bun in the oven! 

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!! I certainly was filled with love yesterday knowing that life is growing within me and that this baby will have the most amazing parents. ❤


  1. Yay, what wonderful news!! Sending sticky vibes and praying for a healthy pregnancy!!
